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Monday, February 14, 2022

Writer's picture: Kenitra MozelleKenitra Mozelle

Happy Monday Yall.

Technically this is my 2nd Monday off because last Monday, Valentines Day…… I took the day off.

Honestly it caught me by surprise. You know I had my whole V day weekend experience. Hair nails and QT on Sunday. I thought I had done WELL!! Can you see me patting myself on the back? YEP I’m sure you can! LOL.

I had already planned out my day. Commuting to work, visiting with my bestie and Goddaughter. Pre planned and all!! But that morning i woke up and started the hustle and bustle and i felt a gentle tug on my heart say,

“You’re not working today. You’re going to go visit J’s graveside. You’re not in a rush. There is no clock pressuring you. Just take your time.”

That gave me the biggest sigh of relief. WHY Relief? Of course I wanted to visit, of course I wanted to give that expression of my love and allegiance ALL WEEKEND. However it would have hurt me to go to Canton and put all that strain on myself.

Valentines day was actually the best day for me to take the trip to the beautiful mountain scape cemetery.

So I handled a bit of business, got myself together and headed out the door.

It amazes me how one simple task changes your entire timeline. I had to stop for gas….. I HATE PUMPING GAS, IT'S SO GHETTO. 🙄 I would not have made it anywhere if I didn't get gas. I sucked it up!! I didn't stop for starbucks or flowers, i just decided I would get everything i needed when i got to that side of town and just enjoy the ride!

This 90 min commute leads me from I-20 to I- 75 to 575. Something about that 575 stretch........ In the previous 4 weeks before J passed we had frequent travels on the 575 stretch. Me, Christian & Water Polo. 👀. So it tugs on my 🧡 for so many reasons.

I could have NEVER anticipated this would happen.

This day was no different. As I completed my merge and the lanes began to open back up, there was a Funeral Home Hearse, Family Limousine and single car procession in the left lane ahead. I could not have anticipate this moment happening. MY HEART just sank and tears flowed.

  1. I knew this moment was providential.

  2. I knew that we were headed to the same place I was

  3. How much MORE does it hurt to bury your loved one on Valentines Day.

My heart just went out to that family. Even though I was crying for me, I was also crying for them. This grief journey is already hard enough, but compounding it on the nationally recognized love holiday could be traumatic for someone. Remembering Valentine's Day 2022 as the day you buried a loved one is a LOT.

But I prayed that the remembrance of the veteran they were burying would be an addition to the understanding of the truest meaning of love. The give of your life so that others can have!

Jerold gave his life as a sacrifice for so many people. Of course his immediate family, but the friends and even strangers that he met. Keeping carebags in the van for a person standing on the corner asking for help and volunteering at a womens and children's shelter. He was always in a mindset to give of what he had. Literally without hesitation.

Being half of the person that he was would be a LIFETIME of accomplishment.

My Valentine’s Day gave me two phenomenal moment

So my Valentine’s Day gave me two phenomenal moments

  1. PAUSE & Remember my amazing love and

  2. PAUSE & Pray for a family beginning the journey that I'm on currently.

There were plenty of other moments in the day but I'll put those in a video.

That's all for now. Thanks for taking this journey with me. Remember to Pause & Pray!! Credit @dr_daveta

I love you BIG 🧡

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