What’s up fellow SoJourners……..I have a good one today!
Like to hear it, here it go.
You may recall in May that I was super excited about a specific presentation!! WELL, that final presentation led to a final day. Yep! It’s officially OVER. Turned in my badges. Turned in my keys! I have been cleared from the system.
Talk about a biggie
Talk about a biggie…as in BIG transition. This one might be for the history books.
Initially the plan was to process out of Friday, but my day kept changing.I kept forgetting things. An appointment ran behind. Despite all my hustle. Despite the planning. Despite the anticipation of this planned transition, Friday was all about HURRY UP & WAIT!
I would have to wait all weekend until Monday to process out.
It BLOSSOMED into a beautiful weekend!
All this blossomed into a beautiful weekend. Earlier that week I made phone calls for Baby BIA aka my new non-profit Bona’Fide Impact Academy. Shoutout to Mrs. Sandra! I love meeting other connectors. WHY? Because they get excited about what you’re doing and want to connect you to other passionate people with “babies” that are growing.
I thought the weekend was about something coming to an end.
It was truly about coming to a NEW BEGINNING.
The old Kenitra needs a concrete plan and has to execute almost exactly as planned. The new Kenitra shined this weekend. I didn't grieve over not being able to process out on Friday. I enjoyed my ride. I wasn’t pressured into anyone else's plans. I even took a break in between events to breathe, recenter and get direction on what to do next. Boy did my wellness growth serve me this weekend.

If I had just allowed my agenda to pull me I would have missed several major new connections this weekend.
As my VAMC Employee tenure comes to a close, I’m glad to know that I am positioning myself to hear and receive the guidance from the One who has elaborately coordinated the journey of Kenitra Mozelle.
Goodbye VA, Hello BIA!!
Once again I'm reassured that I’m Graced for This!! 🌺🌺🌺
In celebration of my birthday and the new beginning, I’m sharing Graced For This with YOU!!!.
I’m grateful that you choose to come on this journey with me each week.

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This is good sis! It’s amazing to me almost comical how God can have His children on the same path yet different. I literally just told God it feels like he has me in transition starting over in every area of my life and He said to me “no it’s your perspective Im giving you new beginnings.“ 🌺